Patient FAQ
A dental implant is meant to replace your missing teeth and last you a lifetime. Having decided to go ahead with an implant, the next step is their proper maintenance so that you get the smile that you deserve.
Below you will find commonly asked questions about dental implants and NeoPhylaxis. If you find your question not answered to your satisfaction, please reach out to us directly and we will be more than happy to resolve your issue!
Anything in the mouth that accumulates food particles act as bacterial reservoir.
These bacteria do not attack the implant directly, rather they infect the adjacent gums and bone. This leads to weakening of the implant support and eventually their failure due to
Despite their high success rates, 20% of dental implants could fail due to the development of dental infection. Therefore, personal and professional oral hygiene measures capable of removing bacteria without harming the implant are essential to increase implant survival.
Although implants are meant to last a lifetime, the longevity of implants largely depends on their maintenance and position in the mouth. Maintenance includes both at-home (proper brushing and flossing) and in-office clinic visits. Additionally, factors such
as the presence of systemic diseases such as diabetes or medical conditions such as cancer can reduce the implants’ life. Also, poor oral hygiene and habits such as smoking
adversely affect the health of tissues surrounding the implant.
A proper dental implant is supposed to replace a tooth. In case of failure there is a “loose or wobbly” feeling of the implant in the jaw. Additionally there can be bleeding, pain, swelling and general discomfort associated with the said area.
The available prophylaxis products and toothpastes are optimized for cleaning
teeth; their compositional components tend to contaminate and abrade the implant
surfaces. Therefore, we have developed NeoPhylaxis, a dedicated product optimized for
the decontamination of dental implant surfaces.
No, this product is specialized to clean dental implants. It does not contain
additive particles, minerals or fluorides (common to toothpastes) to prevent cavities or
maintain optimal health of teeth.
NeoPhylaxis gel is an ‘in-office’ product to be used by a registered dental
practitioner or a registered hygienist.
There are no known contraindications for this product as it is made from Food-
grade FDA approved materials and our animal studies have proven the product’s
This novel implant-paste could be recommended for surgical decontamination of implant surface and professional cleaning of implants during maintenance visits mainly for patients with implant over-dentures.
It depends on your treatment regimen. Please consult your dentist about the
details of your coverage.
You do not have to book a separate appointment for NeoPhylaxis. Your dentist can apply the gel during a regular implant follow up visit every 6 months.

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1250 Rue Guy Suit #600
Montreal, Quebec, H3H 2L3